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  • [登録者] : City of Mesa
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Mesa (Downtown Mesa), Arizona, アメリカ合衆国
  • 登録日 : 2025/01/15
  • 掲載日 : 2025/01/15
  • 変更日 :2025/01/15
  • 総閲覧数 : 81 人

Don't Drop the Ball, Stay in the Know with MesaNow 🎉

MesaNow Newsletter masthead

Column header 1

*January 16
*Downtown Mesa Sunset Market [ https://downtownmesa.com/events/sunset-market?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*January 18*
Mesa Historic Home Tour [ https://www.mesahistoricalmuseum.com/product-page/home-tour-admission?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*January 20*
MLK Parade & Festival [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/City-Calendar/MLK-Parade-Festival?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*January 20*
MLK Day - City Offices Closed

*January 25*
Regional Unity Walk [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/City-Calendar/Regional-Unity-Walk?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*January 28*
Point-in-Time Homeless Count [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/City-Calendar/PIT-Count?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*February 7*
Trees are Cool: Get Answers, Get Planting [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/City-Calendar/Get-Planting?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*February 8*
Mesa Marathon [ https://mesamarathon.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*February 22*
Baseball Block Party [ https://downtownmesa.com/events/baseball-block-party?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*Full Calendar* [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/things-to-do/calendar-of-events?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

column header 2

*January 16
Canceled *- Council Study Session

*January 23
*Council Study Session

*January 27*
Council Study Session and Meeting

*January 30*
Council Study Session

*February 3*
Council Study Session and Meeting

*February 6*
Council Study Session

*February 13*
Council Study Session

*"All meetings subject to change." Learn more about City Council meetings. [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/government/city-council-meetings?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*


Council 2025
New Leadership Takes Office

Mesa ushered in a new era of leadership on January 7, 2025, as the mayor and three Councilmembers were officially sworn into office following the 2024 election. After more than a decade in office, Mayor John Giles concluded his tenure, making way for Mark Freeman, formerly Councilmember for District 1, to take the helm as Mesa’s 41st Mayor.

In addition to Mayor Mark Freeman, Rich Adams was sworn in as the new Councilmember for District 1, while Julie Spilsbury took the oath of office to continue to represent District 2. Francisco Heredia was also sworn in to continue to represent District 3. Councilmembers Jenn Duff (D4), Alicia Goforth (D5), and Scott Somers (D6) were not up for election in this cycle and will continue to serve their districts.

Visit the *Mayor and City Council [ https://mesaaz.gov/Government/Mayor-City-Council?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* online to connect with your councilmember.


Mesa City Manager Announces Retirement After Nearly Two Decades of Transformative Leadership
Chris Brady

Christopher J. Brady, City Manager of Mesa announced that he will retire on May 31, 2025, concluding a transformative 19-year tenure leading the nation's 36th largest city. Brady will transition to a new role as a mission leader for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As chief administrative officer of Arizona's third-largest city since 2006, Brady has overseen Mesa's evolution into a thriving municipality of over 500,000 residents, managing approximately 4,000 employees and an annual operating and capital budget of $2.6 billion. Under his leadership, Mesa has undergone significant organizational reforms while maintaining exceptional municipal services and fiscal responsibility.

"It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve Mesa. I have had the privilege of working alongside many dedicated Mesa employees to bring the vision of our Mayors and Councilmembers to life," said Mesa City Manager Chris Brady. "Throughout my tenure in Mesa, my guiding principles have been knowledge, respect, and integrity. I hope that by upholding these values, I have made a positive difference in the lives of our residents and employees. It has truly been a great experience!"

Brady's tenure has been marked by substantial achievements in fiscal management and operational efficiency. He successfully steered Mesa through challenging economic periods and a pandemic while implementing innovative financial strategies, including the passage of several capital bond initiatives for parks, streets and public safety.

Prior to his service in Mesa, Brady brought more than a decade of municipal leadership experience. He served as Assistant City Manager of San Antonio for ten years and held executive management positions in Bellaire and Houston, Texas, and Provo, Utah.

Brady announced the news in a farewell letter to employees. He will work closely with the Mayor and City Council in the coming months to ensure a smooth transition as they select Mesa's next city manager.


MLK Parade and Festival
MLK Parade & Festival [ https://www.mesaevmlk.org/mlk-day-celebration.html?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*January 20*
*11 a.m. to 4 p.m.*
*Downtown Mesa*

Join us as we come together to celebrate *Dr. **Martin Luther King Jr. Day* with our signature parade and festival! Under the theme "Building Bridges: Cultivating our Community," this event will honor Dr. King’s legacy by highlighting the power of unity, inclusion and community growth. We invite you to be part of this important day of celebration and reflection.


Make Way for Books Offers Story School at Mesa Family Resource Center

*Beginning Jan. 21*
Tuesdays and Thursdays for 6 weeks
10 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Story School is a free, bilingual early literacy program for families with children between the ages of birth to 5 years old. Families participate in read alouds, music and movement, hands-on activities and much more! *Learn more about Story School* [ https://www.mystoryschool.org/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

*Apply for Story School* [ https://www.mystoryschool.org/apply?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


Plan Ahead for Mesa Marathon on February 8

Mesa Marathon

The Mesa Marathon returns on *Saturday, February 8*. 

*To learn more about roadway restrictions and closures, visit gis.mesaaz.gov/mesamarathon [ https://gis.mesaaz.gov/mesamarathon/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*.

Residents can call 480-RUN-MESA to leave feedback about the event and get rerouting assistance, or email barricades@mesaaz.gov, and the temporary traffic control team will provide customized one-on-one reroute recommendations *(Office hours are Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and 5 a.m. to 1 p.m. on event day)*.

*Road Restrictions & Closures* [ https://gis.mesaaz.gov/mesamarathon/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


Kick Off the New Year with Safety

Safety first

Make sure your family knows how to detect and respond to a gas leak. If you smell a rotten egg odor, see any unusual changes to vegetation or hear an unusual blowing or hissing sound from a natural gas pipeline, leave immediately and call 911 and our gas emergency hotline at 480-644-4277 to report it.

Knowing how to recognize and respond to a gas leak is crucial in keeping everyone safe.

*Natural Gas Safety* [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Utilities/Energy/Energy-Safety-Education?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


*Mesa Reads: A City That Reads Succeeds*

Mesa Reads

Looking to reduce stress, improve your sleep or just find a comforting escape? Reading can help!

Mesa Public Library invites you to join the year-long Mesa Reads initiative, promoting reading and literacy in our community. The program encourages all ages to read an average of 15 minutes a day to build a lasting habit.

Track your progress using the free Beanstack [ https://mesapl.beanstack.org/reader365?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] app for the chance to win monthly prize drawings.

*Mesa Reads* [ https://www.mesalibrary.org/events/mesa-reads?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


Parks & Recreation Mesa Recreation Scholarship (MRS) Discount Up to 50% Off

MRS 2025

It's a new year so it's time for new discounts! Whether it's your first time or you have participated before, don’t miss out on your 50% MRS discount on qualifying Parks and Recreation activities and programs. Just follow these 4 simple steps:

* Visit *mesaaz.gov/mrsdiscount [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/Parks-Recreation-and-Community-Facilities/Registration-Playbook-and-Discounts/Discounts-Scholarships?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*
* Fill out the application and submit your necessary documents
* Keep an eye out for the email approval before you register
* Get ready to enjoy a 50% discount on qualifying activities and programs


Playbook cover art
Spring Registration for Parks & Recreation Programs

The Spring edition of the PLAYBOOK is available online. Vist the PLAYBOOK to see spring activities including *spring break camp*, lifeguard training classes *and spring youth sports*.

Registration for spring activities is open now for Mesa residents. Registration for non-residents opens January 21. 

*PLAYBOOK* [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/Parks-Recreation-and-Community-Facilities/Registration-Playbook-and-Discounts?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]


Take a Stand Against Graffiti with the MesaNow App


Graffiti on public property isn’t just an eyesore; it impacts our neighborhoods, lowering property values and creating a sense of neglect. But together, we can keep our community clean and inviting by reporting graffiti as soon as it’s spotted.

The MesaNow app makes it easier than ever to take action. With just a few taps, you can report graffiti directly to us, ensuring it’s addressed quickly and efficiently. By using the MesaNow app, you’re not just reporting an issue--you’re making a positive difference in our community. The app is free, easy to use, and available on both *iOS* [ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mesanow/id1121834079?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] and *Android* [ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mesa11.mesanow&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] devices.

Download MesaNow today and be part of the solution. Let’s keep Mesa beautiful!


Saving Water – A Simple New Year’s Resolution to Keep

Saving water

Is getting better organized or shedding a few pounds on your list of resolutions for 2025? How about an easy resolution that will benefit the environment, help you live a more sustainable lifestyle and provide you with dollar savings, too? From simple behavior changes like replacing fixtures that save H2O without even thinking about it, here are some ideas to get you started:

* Turn off the water while brushing teeth, shaving or washing dishes.
* Trade in your showerhead, faucet or toilet for a WaterSense-labeled model.
* Check your toilets for silent leaks with a few drops of food coloring in the tank.
* Select low-water-use plants that are adapted to our desert climate.
* Thoroughly check your irrigation system to find and fix leaks.
* Sign up for our monthly "Landscape Watering Reminder" for advice on plant care and conservation tips.

Tap into our* water conservation pages [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Environment-Sustainability/Water-Conservation?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* for more inspiration and to sign up for our newsletter.


Trees Are Cool Presents: Get Answers, Get Planting!

Trees are Cool

Join us at our last two *tree info sessions [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Activities-Culture/City-Calendar/Get-Planting?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* on the first Friday in February and March. Learn about our tree distribution events and get your tree planting and maintenance questions answered by a certified arborist. And, find out more about Mesa’s Trees Are Cool Initiative – with the goal of planting and *recording* [ https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/1319808c2c81482d91d6d70d6d15586a?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] one million trees! These are free events and registration is not required. 

*February 7*
8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Heritage Park
1501 S. Pima

*March 7*
8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Superstition Springs Center (outside the food court)
6555 E Southern Ave.


Cooling Our Community One Project at a Time

Tree projects

It will take all of us working together to achieve the lofty goal of planting one million trees. And we are working toward that goal, one event at a time! Check out this *tree planting event [ https://arcg.is/1G0Obu1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* that brought Mesa and the community together to plant 102 new desert-native and desert-adapted shade trees at Heritage Park.

Want to help? Learn more about the *Trees Are Cool initiative [ https://www.mesalistens.com/treesarecool?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*.


New Year’s Resolution: Complete the FAFSA


Start the New Year off right by completing your *FAFSA [ https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*! Whether you’re heading to college for the first time or continuing your education, applying for financial aid is a key step toward achieving your goals.

Many aid programs are first-come, first-served, so don’t wait--submit your FAFSA now to secure federal, state and institutional funding for the upcoming school year.

Need assistance? Visit *mesaaz.gov/Education-Workforce [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/Education-Workforce?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]* for free resources to help you get started.


Arts & Culture logo


MCA Reception
Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum Spring Opening Reception

Feb. 14
7 p.m. - 10 p.m.

Mesa Contemporary Arts Museum celebrates the opening of five new exhibitions [ https://mesaartscenter.com/openingreception?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] featuring artists Farraday Newsome, Martin Dimitrov and Joseph Sivilli, along with “Beyond Description,” a group invitational exhibition, and the “46th Annual Contemporary Crafts” exhibition featuring the finest contemporary crafts from across the country. The free opening reception includes musical entertainment, light refreshments and a cash bar.

Itzhak Perlman

*Itzhak Perlman: In the Fiddler’s House [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/4gvU3Wp?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Jan. 23 | 7:30 p.m.

Foster and McPhee

*An Intimate Evening with David Foster and Katharine McPhee [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/3OMN4MD?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Jan. 26 | 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.


*Mania: The ABBA Tribute [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/4f5klgU?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Jan. 29 | 8 p.m.

Micky Dolenz

*Micky Dolenz [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/3DLsuu7?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Feb. 1 | 7:30 p.m.

The Moth

*The Moth Mainstage [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/4jbuVq0?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Feb. 6 | 7:30 p.m.


*Kodo One Earth Tour 2025: Warabe [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/3WgXlF5?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Feb. 8 | 8 p.m.

Ballet Folklorico

*Ballet Folklórico de México de Amalia Hernández [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/3WcKl3q?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Feb. 15 | 8 p.m.

Dear Evan Hansen

*Dear Evan Hansen: Broadway National Tour [ https://my.mesaaz.gov/3WdmfW1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

Feb. 28–March 2 | Times vary


[ https://www.mesaaz.gov/government/mayor-council?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]

*Stay Connected With Us*

*Mesaaz.gov  [ https://www.mesaaz.gov?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]| MesaNow.org [ https://mesanow.org?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*

*Sign up for other Mesa newsletters [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/AZMESA/subscriber/new ]*

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Update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/AZMESA/subscriber/new?preferences=true ]. You will need to use your email address to log in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please visit subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com [ https://subscriberhelp.govdelivery.com/ ].

This service is provided to you at no charge by City of Mesa [ https://www.mesaaz.gov/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].


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